Once in a Blue Moon…

The morning had started out just like any other for Steve. He lay in bed staring at the ceiling in the dark, trying not to think too much about the day ahead. That would not have been helpful. The grey of first light had already begun to fill the bedroom by the time he dressed and headed downstairs. Chris was still fast asleep, snuggled against a pillow under the covers. 

Now Steve sat alone in the kitchen with the morning paper, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee his only other companion.

He and Chris had been married for ten years – or would be this weekend. They owned and operated a flower shop somewhat off the city’s major shopping routes, in a cast-iron-front ex-factory space full of other small shops. The location was far from ideal but didn’t really matter. There were enough weddings, holidays, birthdays, and funerals within driving distance to afford them a more or less comfortable life, even a few perks.

For one, Steve could bring his wife fresh flowers when he came home at night. Chris loved flowers. She enjoyed the shop, too, and loved that Steve was always creating new arrangements just for her.

Last night he brought her peonies. They were in a vase now under a window by the sink. Steve could smell the flowers when the breeze shifted. Chris loved them, of course. She loved peonies.

Steve liked being alone in the morning – but hearing the padding of Chris’ bare feet descending the stairs always made him smile. She strode into the kitchen in her short, powder-blue bathrobe, nothing else underneath. Steve caught a glimpse of skin where the robe parted slightly over her midriff.  He  poured her some coffee. “Morning gorgeous,” he said. “You look beautiful, as always.”

“Good morning,” Chris yawned as she nestled into Steve’s embrace.

Steve held her for a while, squeezing her buttocks. Ten years had done nothing to dull his appreciation for Chris’ body. He felt an erection stir in his jeans.

“Well, well. You’re up early,” Chris said. “Where’s my coffee?”

It was a game they sometimes played. Steve stood between his wife and the cup on the counter. She would step to one side to retrieve it, and he would move to cut her off.

They’d played it often enough so that Chris knew she would eventually have to give in. Not that she ever minded.  In fact, she was pleased that Steve still enjoyed looking at her. So she rolled her eyes, feigning exasperation. “Don’t you ever get tired of this?”

“Nope,” Steve said, grinning.

“Pervert,” Chris smirked, undoing the sash of her robe as if in resignation.

Chris took a step back away from him and opened her robe. Steve felt a lump form in his throat. The sight of Chris’ body never failed to please him.

Chris certainly wasn’t tall. At barely over five feet, her fairly large sized breasts tended to make her look “top-heavy.” But she knew that just the sight of the “girls” never failed to please her husband.

Steve stood admiring the view, astonished at how new the sight of Chris’ naked body felt for him. It was like he was seeing her for the first time. That was always how it was for him.

Chris had a fuller bush, though she did keep it closely cropped. She preferred that to the thin, narrow strip that seemed to be the fashion these days.

“Happy now,” she asked, allowing the robe to fall off her shoulders as she withdrew into it again, shuttering the view.

Having exacted his fee, Steve stepped aside. Chris reached for her coffee and took a sip, her back towards him now. Steve stepped in behind her, his arms coming around to part her robe.

Chris felt his fingers gently circling her nipples, which were already hard, already expectant. She gripped the coffee cup with both hands. Hot steam rose from the lip of the cup, just inches away from her mouth. The tingling sensation brought on by Steve’s fingers radiated from her breasts and shot out to every part of her body.

“I love the way your skin smells,” Steve said softly, palming the soft, warm voluptuousness of her breasts. He pressed himself against her, heavy from behind, letting Chris feel his erection. “You’re so beautiful I can’t stand it.”

Chris set the cup back onto the counter as Steve hiked the back of her robe over her buttocks. The clinking sound of his belt unfastening quickened her pulse. She was trembling. Her fingertips were suddenly cold.

“Now, please, baby,” she whimpered, wiggling her toes over the tile floor. “Right now.”

She didn’t turn to look at her husband. Instead, she waited for what seemed an eternity before she felt Steve’s erection against the cheeks of her buttocks.

“Just rub it there for a moment,” she purred.

Steve leaned into her even closer, his lips taking gentle bites at her neck. His hands were again at her breasts, kneading her flesh, toying with her nipples.

“God I love you,” he muttered into Chris’ neck, feeling himself slip easily into her wetness, her sheathing, heaving heat.  Chris moaned, feeling every inch  his entire length and girth suddenly inside her. Her knees buckled as she sank willingly into the pleasure.

“Deeper,” Chris gasped. “Deeper.”

Steve held her, pushing her against the counter as he began to thrust hard into her. They came together, which they quite often did. Heated, fierce and fast – perhaps too fast for some but sweeter than anything either of them had ever experienced with anyone else but each other.

Chris loved the feel of Steve releasing inside her. She felt each eruption, which most often triggered her own release, clenching and loosening as she burst into climax.

Steve held her there for a moment, then let her come down as he stumbled back into his chair, Jell-O legged.

Her face still flushed, Chris reached for her coffee and sipped, her robe slightly parted, her breasts peeking out. The last tremors of pleasure continued to course through her still quivering sex.

“You’re going to be late this morning,” she told Steve.

Steve laughed, leaning back into the chair to pull his pants up. “It’s all good,” he said. “I don’t think the boss will mind much.” He got up to gather his keys, a couple of pens, and his schedule book. It was his turn at the shop. Janice – their shop assistant – had stayed late last night.

“I need you to talk to her,” Chris said.

“Who, Janice?”

“Yes, that girl is distracted,” Chris said. “Yesterday she sent me a bunch of e-mails meant for the wholesalers.”

“Okay, babe,” Steve said. “I’ll talk to her.”

Chris sipped her coffee and watched him hurrying around. She had time. She would not have to be  at the shop until ten. She’d then stay until early evening tp close up shop as Steve attended to any last minute deliveries himself.

It was a life they both loved. They were happy that they were able to live and work together.

“Have you seen my house keys anywhere?”

“No,” said Chris, shaking her head left to right. “Hey, what are the plans for this weekend anyway?”

She tried to sound casual. Steve had been taunting her with a surprise, which she hated. Nothing she did could make him reveal what it was he’d prepared for her.

Steve merely grinned, shook his head, and pursed his lips. “You just had to ask, huh?”

“Oh come on Steve,” she pleaded earnestly. “I need to know. I need to know what to  wear if nothing else.”

Steve paused. He looked like he was about to say something, but then he changed his mind. “To be honest with you honey, it really doesn’t matter what you wear.”

“Oh that’s a big help,” she said. “So if I wear nothing but shorts and a tee-shirt?”

“Works for me,” Steve said with a big smile.

“You’re insufferable.”

“I am, aren’t I?”

They both laughed.

“Remember what I told you when we gotr married?” Steve asked.

“Oh sure, like I remember everything you told me ten years ago,” Chris said, rolling her eyes.

Steve laughed. Finally, locating his keys, he started toward the door. “I told you that we ever reach our tenth anniversary together, I’ll want you to experience anything, everything you’ve ever dreamed of,” he said.

“I already have what I want,” Chris said, smiling. “I have everything, everything I’ve ever wanted or needed. I have you.”

Steve paused and smiled. “Not quite everything,” he told her. “Let’s just say that this weekend will give you that opportunity, though.”

“What opportunity?”

“The opportunity to experience everything you’ve ever imagined, or ever been curious about,” Steve said, hollowing his voice in his best Count Dracula.

Chris frowned. Steve knew how much she hated surprises. “Could you be just a little clearer?”

“I’m already late enough as it is,” Steve said, turning just in time to see the very real look of frustration on Chris’ face. “Wear that sexy black little cocktail dress I got you last year,” he said, grinning.

He waited long enough at the door to catch her concede a smile. Then he left for work.


Even at the shop, while filling out order forms and arranging bouquets in the backroom, Chris tried pressing Steve. He wouldn’t budge, remaining as cryptic as he was earlier that morning. At first, she thought perhaps the lack of privacy was a hindrance. But Steve said nothing even after their counter help, Janice, had left for lunch, leaving them alone in the shop.

In the pantry, she had slowly, teasingly, tantalizingly, pleasured him with her mouth, hoping to loosen his tongue by twirling hers.

“Fat chance, darling,” Steve said, drawing an invisible zipper across his mouth when he was done.

“You’re a jerk,” she said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she rose to her feet. “You know the suspense is killing me.”

“I know,” Steve said affectionately. “Are you mad at me yet?”

“Yes, I am. Now it’s your turn,” she said. “Get on your knees and return the favor before Janice finds us like this.”

“I don’t think she’d mind,” Steve said, parting his wife’s legs as she lifted herself onto an old filing cabinet. “I think she knows,” he smiled.

The thought of Janice – dear, sweet, brown-haired Janice – knowing what they were up to made Chris blush. “Shut up and get busy, you dirty, dirty man, you.”


She looked sexy as hell and she knew it. Her black dress was so short it was almost obscene. Petite as Chris was, the dress was one of the few she owned that made her legs appear even longer. Then, too, the deep V of the neckline allowed just enough cleavage to show off the soft, rounded slopes of her breasts.

But tonight she decided that what she wore underneath would matter more. The little black thong was more an ornament than anything else and the lace push-up bra gave “the girls” an ample lift.

To finish off the look, Chris wore the dainty gold necklace Steve had given her shortly after they were married. Attached to it, a tiny gold key: a mere trinket, really, as it was neither expensive nor extravagant. But it was more precious to her than any other piece of jewelry she owned. Steve had once told her that it would forever remain the key to his heart. Cheesy, she admits, but sweet.

“Ready yet,” she heard him calling up to her from just down the stairs. She stood on the landing and looked down, watching how his face lit up as he gazed up at her.

“Ready, willing, and able,” she said, grinning before she furrowed her brow curiously. Steve was wearing a pair of his favorite Levi’s and and a beige sports-coat over a plain black t-shirt. “You sure I’m not over-dressed’?”

“Trust me,” Steve said, beckoning  her to come down and join him.

She hated whenever he said that. She did trust him, yes, always had – always would. But his surprises usually cost them money – and tonight’s first surprise hit her the moment they stepped out the door.

“On no,” she gasped. “We’re going out in a limousine?” Now she was really worried. “How much did you spend for this, Steven?”

“I didn’t spend a dime,” Steve said, urging her to the waiting car. “Don’t worry.”

“Wait a minute,” Chris said, stopping to look Steve in the eyes. “You didn’t buy a boat, did you?”

Chris laughed. “Like I told you, it’s all about allowing you the opportunity to experience anything and everything you’ve ever wanted.”

“Well, all this secrecy is absolute torture,” Chris said, exasperated. “You know I hate surprises.”

“Honey, do you really think I would ever do anything to hurt you,” Steve said in as reassuring a tone he could muster.

“No,” she said.

“Then trust me,” Steve said again.

She had never seen him like this. He was excited, yes, but there was an anxiousness about him, too. He looked almost scared. “Come on,” he said, taking her hand.

The chauffer stood by the enormous black car, holding the door for them. Chris hesitated, then got in. “I swear,” she muttered, trailing off as she settled into the seat.

The chauffer shut the door behind them. It was plush inside with a bottle of wine already uncorked, waiting. Steve poured each of them a glass as the car began to move.

“Happy anniversary, baby,” he said, raising his glass. “Here’s to what I hope will be a memorable evening.”


The car wound its way out of the suburbs, far enough to where the familiar grids broke down and the valley rose into the mountains. The night was clear. A full, ghostly white moon followed the car, appearing and disappearing behind the trees. They held a course up the canyon for about an hour before turning onto a rough gravel road over the valley.

“You look gorgeous tonight,” Steve said after a while.

Chris smiled. “I wish I knew where we were going.”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Steve told her. “Relax, will you?”

The road rattled over a hill and into a stand of pine trees in the darkness. Beyond the trees, the sky opened up, huge and full of moonlight. Chris pressed her forehead against the window, looking for the moon overhead.

“There it is,” Chris said. “Oh, how beautiful it is tonight.”

“What’s that you’re talking about again, babe?”

“The moon,” Chris said. “It’s like a fairytale moon.”

The car swung into another turn then slowed to a halt before a wrought iron electronic gate. The chauffer rolled the window down, said something into the control box. The gate opened and the car rolled through. Chris leaned forward over the seats to look through the windshield. She could see a few dots of light cutting through the trees ahead.

“Is that a cabin?”

“Yes, I guess you can call it that,” Steve said. “We’re going to a party – a very special party,” he offered.

Finally the the car stopped. The chauffer alighted and opened the car door for them. Chris and Steve stepped out into the cool night air in front of a huge, two-story country house. Yellow lights gleamed from the windows. Chris could hear laughter and music inside.

“You’re throwing me a dinner party,”Chris said, baffled. “Out here?”

“Not exactly,” Steve said as he drew his arm around her waist. They walked up the marble doorstep to an elaborately carved mahogany door. Steve rang the bell, arranging his jacket in anticipation.

The door opened and an attractive blonde woman in a grey dress appeared before them. “You must be Steve and Chris,” she smiled. Her hair was swept back into a bun behind her head, revealing an intelligent, oval-shaped face. She was quite beautiful. The bright red lipstick and nail polish would have looked garrish on someone less attractive. “I’m Sybil,” extending her hand.

“Good evening, Sybil,” Steve said genially.

“Please, come in. Make yourself at home. There’s a bar in the sitting room,” she said, motioning them inside with her hands. “We should be starting in a few minutes.”

“What is this place,” Chris asked Steve in a low voice as they followed their hostess deeper into the house.

“You’ll see,” Steve said.

The house was even bigger than it looked from the outside. Chris got the impression of endless corrdiors and rooms on the upper floor. An overhang covered half of the vaulted ceiling over the huge, dimly lit hall that loomed suddenly below them, where a party was in full swing.

“Here we are,” their hostess said. “You’ll have to deposit your phones at the bar, I’m afraid.”

Chris turned to Steve, the look on her face quizical. “Our phones?”

“I’ll explain later,” Steve said.

People were milling about the sunken room with drinks in their hands.  Provocative bass music flowed out from invisible speakers – the volume held to a level decidedly more for mood than dancing. The vibe reminded Chris of a make out room in a frat party. Shadowy couples in various stages of undress were feeling each other up on sofas. Moonlight drifted in through huge bay windows, creating strange shadows across the the blue and red beams of the overhead tracklights.

“Well, there’s the bar,” their hostess said, gesturing toward the far end of the sitting room where a bartender was serving drinks behind a counter. “You guys enjoy yourselves,” she beamed, giving Chris a quick wink before gliding off into the shadows.

“Steve, who was that woman,” Chris said after she’d gone.

“I think she said her name was Sybil,” Steve said.

“How do you know her?”

“I don’t.”

“And why the heck do we have to deposit our phones at the bar,” Chris said, cocking a brow at Steve. “I don’t understand.”

She did a quick sweep of the faces within range but didn’t see anybody she and Steve knew for sure. She looked further afield, moving her gaze to the couples on the sofas. Her eyes adjusted just in time to watch a red-headed woman unbutton her blouse, freeing her breasts. The man sitting with her squeezed her thigh and whispered something into her ear. The woman laughed, threw her head back, and guided his face to her bossom.

“What is this place,” Chris said, her eyes still on the amorous couple.

Steve looked at her, clearing his throat. “It’s a party, like I told you,” he said. “But it’s a special party.”

He was nervous. Chris could tell there was a great deal he had to say. Right now, it was clear he had no intention of doing more than hint at it obliquely.

“Special how,” Chris said, continuing to scan the room. Now her eyes settled on a dark-haired man standing in a corner. His back was turned to the rest of room. In front of him was a small, lithe, thirty-something woman.  Chris could tell her hands were in his pants, moving rhythmically below his waist.

Chris shook her head as if to jar herself awake from a weird dream. She turned to look at Steve, widening her eyes. “Is this what I think it is?”

Steve was about to say something when he was interrupted by a familiar voice. “Ah, finally. I thought you guys weren’t going to show up.”

Chris turned her head. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said. “Is that Janice?”

She was astonished as much by the way Janice looked as she was by her unlikely presence. Chris had always thought Janice an unfortunately plain-looking young woman. She liked to keep her hair in a bun behind her head, which Chris thought gave her a severe, matronly look. Chris had never her seen her in anything other than  tattered jeans, checkered men’s shirts, and big, clunky Doc Martens.

But tonight, Janice looked resplendent, her svelte body in a tight cocktail number, her hair thrown to one side of her face in a dark brown cascade. Her bare, shapely legs seemed endless beneath the hem of her dress.

“Hey there, Chris,” Janice chimed, smiling broadly. “Oh, wow, I am so happy to see you.”

“You look gorgeous this evening, Janice,” Steve said. “Doesn’t she look beautiful, honey?”

“Yes, you look fantastic,” Chris told her.

“Well, thank you,” Janice said, looking at Chris expectantly. “Have you met anyone promising yet?”

“We don’t know really anybody here,” Chris said. “What is this place, anyway?”

Janice shot Steve a reproachful look. “You promised to tell her,” she said. “Stee-eeeve,” she groaned, her voice rising an octave midway. 

“Tell me what?” Chris’ face wrinkled into a frown as her confusion soured into impatience. For a brief instant, she wondered whether there was a camera crew waiting behind the drapes somewhere. You’ve been punked. “What’s with all the secrecy?”

“Well, it’s a kind of like a party,” Janice said, watching Chris’ face closely as she spoke, measuring. “It’s also a ritual. We all get together once every couple of month’s to have fun. Let our hair down, so to speak.”

“Go on,” Chris said. “You have to help me out here, Janice. I’m completely at sea. Steve has not said a thing.”

“It’s a sex party,” Steve interrupted. “It’s a sex party, darling.”

“Holy crap,” Chris gasped. “Holy effing crap.”

Ten years is a long time to build a marriage. She and Steve had spent much of it unpacking feelings and desires. They had both talked about wanting to experience sex with other people, but Chris had always assumed it was fantasy.

“Well, we’ve talked about this sort of thing, haven’t we,” Steve said. “I thought that maybe …”

“Maybe what,” Chris said, still reeling. “Maybe what?”

“You don’t have to join in if you don’t feel like it,” Janice said, reassuring. “You are safe here. No one will bother you unless you allow them. Touching without consent isn’t tolerated and may get you kicked out,” she said. “We pride ourselves on being safe and consensual.”

“Wait a minute. Hold on. So you mean to tell me you all get together and have,” Chris paused, swallowing hard, “group sex, right?”

“Yes,” Janice nodded, shutting her eyes momentarily. “Although, like I said, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“I don’t understand,” Chris said, turning her attention to Steve. “How did you get mixed up in this?”

“Janice sent me an e-mail by mistake,” Steve said sheepishly. “So I asked her about it.”

“Yeah, I have to get my act together with the e-mails,” Janice said. “But just this once, I’m glad I made the mistake. You guys are here, after all.”

Chris looked around the large room nervously. She felt small. Suddenly, the polished mahogany trims, the framed paintings that hung on the walls, and the upscale barnwood furniture loomed like mountains around her.

“So, who are these people,” she said.

“They’re ordinary people,” Janice went on. “We’ve got lawyers, university professors, entrepreneurs, a few housewives, advertising folk, a ballet teacher, some musicians, one or two professional athletes – that sort of thing.”  

They were a tight little group, mostly married, Janice went on. Men are expected to bring  a partner, although couples are not expected to to keep to each other exclusively. Women can come alone. The group got together nearly every full moon, she said.

“The most important rule is to have fun,” Janice said with a cheery smile. “That’s what this is all about. Female empowerment is central to our gatherings. Anything goes, but only when women allow it.”

“You don’t say,” Chris said, her head still swimming in shocked stupor.

“We’ve got quite the vetting process, too,” Janice said. “I’m sure you’ve noticed how hot everyone is,” she raised her brow and winked. “I vouched for you guys, of course.”

“Thank you,” Chris said. “I think.”

Janice looked at her, cocking her head to the side, inquisitive. “I bet all this must seem so bizarre to you, Chris,” she said. “It’s a lot to take in.”

“Yes it is.”

“I thought the same when I first joined the group with my boyfriend,” Janice said. “I was just like you. But I learned quickly.”

Steve looked at Janice, grinning. “You did?” 

“Well, I should leave you two to talk things over,” Janice said. “You guys look like you need a drink. I usually head straight for the bar the moment I arrive,” she chuckled.

“Good idea,” Steve said.

Janice excused herself and disappeared, drifting off into the soft, hushed shadows at the edge of the room.

Steve looked at Chris, worried. “Well, honey? You want to stay or go home?”

Chris bit her lip. She wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted. Her mind was careening through a mixture of terror, shame, and undeniable curiosity.  “I’m going to need a drink,” she said after a while. “After that, we’d probably best go introduce ourselves.”

Steve’s eyes sprang up. “Okay,” he said. “That’s the spirit.”


Steve led Chris around the large hall like an aunt leading a child through a rough neighborhood. Chris could tell he was nervous. Oddly enough, she herself felt less and less anxious, though the kamikazes might have had something to do with that.

By the fourth shot, the party swirling around them seemed just like any other. People milled and chatted: small talk, laughter, groups clustering together. The only difference was that, little by little, most everyone began removing their clothes. 

There was chuckling here and there, a few furtive glances across the room as buttons came undone and zippers were unzipped. Breasts began to pop out of dresses.There were invitations, insinuations, quiet sighs. She could sense the room coming together like an orchestra tuning up.

Chris felt a gush of wet excitement between her legs when a well-built, good-looking younger man in a white shirt sidled up to her, smiling. “Maybe later,” Chris demured. The man nodded, smiled, and drifted away.
Steve hadn’t noticed, occupied as he was with the goings-on between two brunettes fondling each other at the end of the bar. If he did notice, he hadn’t said anything.

“You seem to be feeling good,” he turned to Chris, squeezing her hand as he peered into her eyes.

Chris flicked a strand of hair from her face and looked away, embarassed at the notion that Steve had sensed her arousal. “I am fine,” she said.

In fact, the sexual energy in the room was crackling within her like electricity, sparkling in her navel, her arms, the skin of her inner thighs. One moment passed into another. The kamikazes kept coming and, gradually, she began to notice more and more bare flesh around her.

The women had clearly put in a good deal of effort. Their hairs were soft and shiny, breasts plumped up with beautiful corsets, leather straps, and bustiers. There were garter belts, lace bodysuits, thigh-high fishnet stockings, and heels. Most of the men were wearing crisp white shirts and black or grey trousers.

“I think the real party goes on in there,” Steve said, pointing.

Chris tossed a shot down before turning to look. People were making a beeline outside a large, paneled door at the other end of the room, shedding clothes as they ducked in.

“What d’you think?”

“Okay, then, ” Chris said, the kamikaze roaring into her bloodstream. “Let’s check it out.”


The crowd parted to make way as Steve led Chris toward the door. When they were chatting and mingling, the gathering had seemed fairly small. Now, with bodies pressing in from every side, Chris felt as though she were drowning in people. The air was heavy and close, almost suffocating. The smell of perfume, alcohol, and sex mingled in her nostrils.

“Steven, I can’t breathe,” Chris said.

“We’re almost there.”

They broke free, making it through the crowd, through the door into a soft dimness, a sinister calm. Here, on the other side, the gathering was transformed into another beast entirely.

Before them was an astonishing sea of sex and skin: thighs, arms, mouths, navels, and hips thrusting, bucking, and heaving. The sight of it made Chris’ body jump.

Moans and cries of pleasure rose from the floor, which was covered in gym mats. Chris tried to take in everything in the room in a glance, but her brain could not process all of it at once. 

On an enormous circular bed in one corner of the room, two shirtless men were pleasuring a spectacular, green-eyed, raven-haired woman with glowing, wintry white skin. She was naked save for black stockings and high heels.

The two men were talking to each other, coordinating with little signals and nods. The woman’s breasts rose like globes of sunshine as she heaved and slumped deep into the sofa, her legs spread, her eyes drifting toward the ceiling, her mouth formed into O.

A dozen or so people had gathered on the bed around the trio, pressing in. There was a lot of kissing and groping going on. They were  pouring over the sides, falling off the bed and clambering up again, an erotic, undulating tangle of moaning.

“Do you see anybody you know,” Chris said, tugging at Steve’s arm. Her heart was racing. Her palms were wet.

“No, I don ‘t,” said Steve.

Desperate to anchor her eyes on someone familiar, Chris sought out Janice. For a moment, she couldn’t find her, then she spotted her across the room.

“There’s Janice,” she told Steve.

Janice was flirting with two men, touching her hair, giggling like a teenager. Chris took Steve’s arm and they began to make their way toward her, their feet sinking into the mats. They were not yet halfway across the room when Janice dropped to her knees obligingly in front of the two men.

“Whoa,” Chris said, stopping dead on her tracks. “I don’t think now is a good time for Janice.” 

Steve felt a lump form in his throat. “Doesn’t look like it.”

One of the men undid his trousers and slid himself into Janice’s waiting mouth. The other man – trousers already undone – took a step forward to present himself. Janice took his erection and began moving her hand up and down the shaft.

“Jeez,” Steve said. “Janice is really, really into this stuff, huh?”

Chris watched in fascination, feeling her sex continue to liquify between her legs. She was breathing heavily now. It took a moment for her to realize that they had wandered into a mass of naked and half-naked bodies.

“Do you want another drink,” Steve said looking at the huddle swarming around their knees. His mouth was dry and powdery with excitement.

“Not now,” Chris muttered.

Steve looked at her. “So, do you want to jump in?” 

A hand reached up and caressed Chris’ calf, moving up toward her thigh. In a daze, she continued to gawk at the spectacle around her her. A jock was greedily mouthing a svelte, red-headed female. Another woman was busying her tongue on the red-head’s breasts. Behind that woman was a barrel-chested, bald-headed man with a snake tattoo.

Chris was suddenly overcome with an unafamiliar but powerful energy. She was sopping wet. Her knees were trembling.

“Are you okay, honey,” Steve said with a look of concern. “Is something wrong, babe?”

“I think we should …”

Chris was about to say something when she felt someone step in behind her. Hands came around her waist and closed over her breasts. Chris moaned, looking down at the long fingernails gleaming with red polish. She turned her head, and a mouth came over her shoulder to seize her lips.

Chris closed her eyes and tongue-kissed her anonymous admirer. When she opened her eyes, she saw that it was their blonde hostess, Sybil.

“I’ve been looking for you,” Sybil said, biting her lower lip as she looked into Chris’ eyes. She plucked and squeezed at Chris’ nipples, which were now achingly stiff under the fabric of her dress. The hand caressing Chris’ thigh tugged her toward the floor. Sybil eased her down, gently pulling her dress up over her head. Chris felt herself sinking toward the floor, wading into the bodies below. 

“Relax,” she heard Sybil’s voice say from above. “It’s going to be all right.”

As in a dream, Chris found herself suddenly inside a cocoon of sex and flesh. Sybil lay alongside her, completely naked save for a pair of heels. They kissed deeply, tongues flicking and twirling into each others’ mouths under the moving canopy of flesh. Chris was startled at her own willingness to submit herself to it all.  

Almost immediately somebody else was delving fingers between Chris’ butt cheeks, probing. Another hand slid up the inside of her thighs and pushed her thong aside, seeking the moist lips of her slit. The fingers brushed against her sex, and Chris wriggled to signal encouragement. The fingers slipped inside her.

Chris’ flesh flower throbbed. Her tongue leapt with desire as she reached for Sybil’s breasts. The hostess thrust her beautiful bosom toward her. Chris flicked her tongue on her pink nipples, then began to suck on them alternately.

She then felt a well-toned male body slip in behind her. The muscular presence pulled Chris’ thong aside and a cock replaced the probing fingers. She received it eagerly. The rigid shaft slid easily into her and she gasped joyously at its sudden size and girth. She lifted herself on an elbow and thrust her hips back to meet his entry on her side, taking him as deep as she could.

Meanwhile, Sybil’s breast withdrew, and her mouth quickly found Chris’ lips. They kissed a long, lingering kiss, savoring the soft, sweet voluptuousness of their connection. Chris’ male lover loomed from behind to join them and Chris opened her mouth for both of her lover’s tongues. Chirs found the wickedness of it intoxicating. Bliss bloomed between her legs and flared out over her body.

“Come here,” she heard herself moan as she reached for her male lover’s head. She grabbed his hair and pulled him closer. She felt his face against her cheeks, his breath on her shoulders. She swayed her hips against him as he drove into her hard, plunging and withdrawing, again and again. He felt like a freight train inside her. Chris’ fingers kept losing and finding Sybil’s vulva in the frenzy.

She felt a climax rip through her body, sudden, savage, and overwhelming. “I’m coming,” Chris snarled, squeezing her eyes shut.

The spark shot up from somewhere inside her, ascending like a rocket into the night sky. Chris cried out, ecstatic. Her eyes rolled to the top of her skull as every molecule in her body began buzzing with joy. Her male lover followed a few moments later, releasing jets of spunk deep inside her.

Chris found the feel of his hot, silky vigor in her tunnel wildly exhilarating. She reached back and grabbed his buttocks, pinning him against their shared peak. She then loosened herself, releasing him slowly, in stages. He pulled out, kissed her shoulder, and rolled away. She never once saw his face.

By now, Chris was hopelessly caught in the primal current humming through the gathering – and she reveled in it. The life she knew only this morning – Steve, her marriage, their home, the flower shop – all fell away into the back of her mind. There was only the here and now and nothing else mattered.

She looked up from Sybil’s breasts and saw a man kneeling beside her blonde companion. Sybil had him in her mouth. Chris rose to join her, and together they alternated, pleasuring him in turns. It didn’t take long for the man to announce that he was about to let loose.

They teased him, taking turns, giggling expectantly, their lips and tongues touching as they swirled around his pole. He erupted on them, sending a seemingly endless stream flying onto their faces. Laughing, Sybil licked the juices off Chris’ mouth and cheeks.

“I’ll see you around,” Sybil said afterwards, winking.

She moved away, and Chris crawled deeper into the pit of the groaning, gasping jumble. She delighted in the touch of the seeming multitude of naked bodies pressing against her. She was hungry for more. She was about to wrangle a man from two ravishing brunettes in identical corsets when someone scooped her up by her waist.

Chris felt herself lifted up into the air momentarily before she was set down on her hands and knees. An anonymous lover spread her vulva from behind, and a tongue darted into her box. Chris let out a yelp of surprised glee. She felt her bra slip away and soon somebody mouth was lapping on her breasts from below. A spit-moistened thumb wiggled into her derriere while two fingers sought her pearl. Finding the treasure, the fingers began to rub her there rhythmically.

Chris felt completely vulnerable – and she loved it. Desire lit her body like a sparkler. The slathering tongues and digits quickly persuaded another climax out of her. She grunted and arched her back, transfixed in a moment of maximum sexual pleasure. She then slumped to the mat, panting.

She drifted for a while, enjoying her body’s contentment. She had no idea how many people – male or female – had just pleasured her into an orgasm. She didn’t care.

She started to rise from the mat when a sleek, dark-haired woman with a runner’s body pushed her onto her back. Chris squirmed delightedly when her strong hands cupped her breasts. She shoved Chris’ head back roughly and stepped over her.

“I want your mouth on me,” she hissed, lowering herself onto Chris’ face. “You’ve got such a lovely mouth.”

Chris complied, opening her mouth and reaching up to part the woman’s hairless slit with her fingers. She inhaled her feminine aroma, gripping the woman’s soft but firm thighs as she suckled on her folds, relishing the glossy texture of her flesh. She tasted wonderfully like salted honey.

The woman groaned, grabbing Chris’ by the hair. She rocked herself against Chris’ mouth, guiding her deeper into her moist maw.

Emboldened, Chris thrust her tongue far up into her, indulging in her slippery heat. She flicked against the walls of her partner’s tunnel even as her fingers found and caressed the prime jewel.

The woman’s body jerked wildly. Chris looked up to see bliss twist her pretty face. Her runner’s muscles quivered in profound rapture as her juices flowed from her body onto Chris’ mouth and chin. 

Finally, exhausted and smiling, the woman dismounted and fell to the mat beside Chris. “That was wild,” she said when she caught her breath. She then spent a few moments kissing Chris appreciatively before sloping off to join the rest of the gathering.

Finding herself alone, Chris rolled upright on all fours to scan the heaving mass around her. By now her skin was glistening with stray juices, and she loved it. She felt anointed, daubed with the warm unguents of the jubilation around her.

Her heart leapt when she spotted the good-looking man who had approached her at the bar earlier in the evening. He was naked, sitting on a mattress at the edge of the room, more gorgeous now than he did an hour ago. Chris made her way to him on her hands and knees. He saw her approaching and straightened his spine to welcome her.

Chris slinked up to her would-be paramour like a panther, the girlish smile on her face turning predatory. She stopped a few feet away to admire him. He was a beautiful man with well-chiselled features and a fantastic physique.  

Chris motioned him over and the man gamely moved in, flipping Chris onto her back in one swift motion. “I want to see your face,” he told her as he lowered himself on top of her. Chris rose to kiss him, parting her legs as their mouths met. The kiss lingered, twirling and flicking as he slid her wet thong aside and entered Chris slowly, easing himself into her inch-by-inch.

Chris moaned at the sweet, unbelievable tenderness of their joining. Her new lover took his time, grinding into her as he built her arousal into a ferocious yearning. Chris squealed in elation when he released himself inside her, depositing his load deep into her womb. His heat dialed Chris’ sexual desire up further and she burst into yet another series of pleasure pinnacles.

“That was wonderful,” Chris whispered into her mystery lover’s ear when she came down. “I don’t think I’ve ever orgasmed as much in one evening.”

Her paramour chuckled through his sweat, withdrew, and lay beside her, breathing heavily. Their hands touched, and Chris let her fingers caress his affectionately. She closed her eyes, her sex still quivering in the wake of her release, and moved her body closer, snuggling against her lover’s shoulders.

Chris was spent but happy and nothing else could have been more important. Closing her eyes, she rested a hand on her man’s chest, cupping the beating of his heart in her palm.

“Hey gorgeous,” a voice said after a while.

Had she dozed off? She must have. When her eyes fluttered open her lover was gone. In his place, two men were leaning above Chris from either side.

One – a blonde with wavy hair and grey eyes – was tracing delicate circles around her nipple with his fingertips. The other – dark-haired and muscled – was planting soft kisses on her neck.

Chris reached down and found both of them almost simultaneously, feeling that deep energy welling up inside her again.   

“Do you mind,” her dark-haired admirer said. “We’ve been watching you all night, and you’re absolutely awesome.”  

“No, not at all, baby,” Chris said. “I don’t mind at all.”

Why would she? She was part of the room’s vast, communal circuitry now, one with the beehive mind of sex. The moaning, sighing cluster owned her, and it was all beautiful.

Inside that small moment, lying there between two strangers, she wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.


Steve woke with a start. For a moment, he struggled to make sense of his environment. Then he remembered.

The sky loomed low, heavy, and grey over the canyon road. Rain was falling in crescent swoops over the rooftops that zoomed past the car window. He looked over to Chris, who was curled up on the other end of the backseat, her eyes half-closed. They had not spoken a word to each other since they left the party at daybreak. Now, as the limo hummed down the canyon, the silence was verging on uncomfortable.

“You were muttering in your sleep,” Chris said, finally.

“Oh,” Steve said. “Did I say anything important?”

“I couldn’t hear much,” Chris said. “You said my name once.”

Steve looked away and said nothing. The sound of rain began to creep into the silence.

“I lost track of you,” Chris offered.

“I know.”

Chris sat up, clearing her throat. Steve looked at her. Even with her hair tousled, her dress in disarray, and last night’s make-up smudged, she was still ravishing.

“Did you have fun,” Chris asked.

“Yes, I did.”

“I didn’t see you,” Chris said. She was surprised – and ashamed – at the jealousy she heard in her own voice. “Did you find anyone particularly fun?”

Steve smiled. “I was never with anyone,” he said. “Watching you having fun was fun enough for me.”

Chris sat up and gazed at him squarely. “Really?”

“Really,” Steve said.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Chris said, her heart surging. She looked like she was about to cry.

“It’s all right, babe,” Steve said, chuckling. “You’re not going to cry, are you?”

“I feel terrible.”


Chris sidled up to her husband and rested her head on his shoulder. For a moment, the car’s interior was completely silent save for the sound of rain and the purr of the engine. Chris’ fingers rose to check the trinket on her necklace. She was happy to find it was still there.

“Steve,” she said, sniffling.

“Yeah, babe?”

“Happy anniversary.”

“Happy anniversary, honey,” Steve said, smiling.