Anyone with a female partner will tell you that there’s nothing more satisfying than making a woman achieve orgasm. The importance of a woman’s sexual satisfaction in a healthy romantic relationship is undeniable. Scientific studies associate it with higher levels of love, trust, and commitment.
But perhaps the most amazing thing about the female orgasm is that there’s no limit to how pleasurable they can be for her. That’s because a woman’s clitoral network offers her an abundance of erotic sensations as do her breasts, nipples and multiple other erogenous zones.

How to Make Her Orgasms More Intense
Of course, we get it. You’ve probably made her come hundreds of times by now. You don’t need anyone’s advice in the department. After all, few people know her mind and body better than you.
But did you know that there are things you can do to make a woman’s orgasms even more intense? Below are seven tricks you may want to try next time you two are between the sheets.
1. Pick the best playtime possible.
If her enthusiasm has been waning, time your seduction to coincide with the days when she is ovulating. Her testosterone levels surge during the first two days of her cycle. This makes her libido soar and her breasts and clitoris even more sensitive.
You are likely to observe a noticeable increase in the pleasure she derives from her orgasms during this period. But – stating the obvious – be careful if you happen to be a man and you two aren’t trying for a pregnancy. Be sure you have contraception at hand during those especially fertile couple of days.

2. Make her feel loved.
In societies where one‑night stands are commonplace, people often forget that love is an essential component of truly great sex. There’s a biological imperative behind the hugs and kisses we give our partners before, during, and after a loving session. Those demonstrations of affection release a hormone called oxytocin, the “love” hormone.
Science has proven that this hormone increases the intensity of the female orgasm. That’s why it’s important to give your partner some warm, loving attention before sex. The natural build‑up of oxytocin in her system will help her achieve a much more powerful orgasm.

3. Her pleasure requires a hands-on approach.
Most women need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm. So it’s always good to start things off with your hands or tongue. It’s a fun, natural way to learn about her body and get an even better sense of what turns her on.
Masturbation also enhances her sex drive and helps with natural lubrication. It makes your partner feel more relaxed even as it increases her desire for you.
Be careful, though. Unless your partner requests intense touch, caress her clitoris very gently. It has twice as many touch-sensitive nerve endings as a man’s penis, and many of those are packed into the visible clitoral tip! Into numbers? There are about 8,000 nerve endings waiting to be stimulated versus a ‘meagre’ 4,000 in a typical penis. Tough luck, guys!

4. Lubricate, lubricate, lubricate!
Sometimes, a woman’s natural lubrication won’t be enough to increase her pleasure. In fact, the lack of sufficient moisture can make penetration painful. Extra lubricants – be it saliva or something from a drugstore – make a woman’s genitals even more erotically sensitive. By lubricating, couples also allow themselves a much more extensive range of positions and techniques. Another bonus is that a ‘wet pussy’ also reduces friction on the penis which, in turn, will usually delay ejaculation.
And while the additional lubrication may be necessary, be considerate during application. Never squirt the lubricant directly on a woman’s genitals. The sensation can be cold and jarring, killing her libido immediately. Instead, squeeze some onto your palm, rub with your fingers to warm the substance, then touch her.

5. Pay attention to her whole body.
From her scalp to the soles of her feet, every inch of a woman’s body is a sensual landscape. Yet too many seem focus on a few corners and overlook the rest. Touch her all over. Think of sex as a whole-body massage that will ultimately include the genitals.
In fact, a whole-body massage before sex is almost certain to increase the pleasure of sex for both of you, the giver and receiver. A massage encourages deep relaxation, which is another essential ingredient of the female orgasm.
Massage her gently from head to toe. Use a massage lotion. They are available at bath and body shops. Some areas that can feel unexpectedly erotic include the scalp, ears, face, neck, feet and the backs of the knees.

6. Try something new.
Have you ever noticed how sex feels more arousing when you and your partner are on a vacation? That’s because you’ve broken the routine. The brain chemical dopamine, a neurotransmitter, governs sexual arousal. As dopamine levels rise in a woman, so does her arousal – and the likelihood of orgasm.
Recent research shows that novelty is an excellent way to raise a woman’s dopamine levels. So try something different. Make love in a new location, in a different way, at a different time. As a woman becomes more willing to try new things, she often becomes more open to sexual experimentation generally.

7. Pick up some good vibrations.
Don’t be afraid to include a vibrator in your sexual activities. Some women simply have difficulty achieving orgasm during partnered sex. They require the intense stimulation that only a vibrator can provide.
Around one-third of all women in the United States own a vibrator. Meanwhile, research in Australia indicates that 57 percent of women feel a vibrator could help improve their sexual satisfaction.
Oddly enough, few couples in both countries include sex toys during partnered sex. It seems that men, in particular, fear being replaced by the electronic devices. That fear is – of course – absurd. Vibrators are as likely to replace men as tractors are likely to replace farmers.
A sex toy cannot kiss and cuddle. And, unless it is an exceptionally ugly device, it cannot make a woman laugh or make her feel safe. Simply put, vibrators are tools, not rivals.
Sex toys perform a specific function, and some women need them to achieve an orgasm. That is all there is to it. So hold her close and encourage her to use whatever toys she may have in her bedside drawer. Those things are no threat to you.

Orgasms come in a variety of packages.
If we go by movies, songs, and books, then there’s only one way for a woman to express that orgasmic event. It usually involves squealing and screaming – a good deal of fireworks. But that’s not always the case.
In reality, the female orgasms are like sweet treats. They come in a variety of packages. They can be a chocolate bar that melts in her mouth. Or they can be a sweet, luscious dollop of delicious fruit glazed in hard caramel which she can slowly relish. There’s no right way to enjoy candy and sweets, just like there isn’t a right way to climax.
If your female partner is having challenges achieving orgasm, help her relax, breathe deeply, and focus on her own pleasure. Remember, too, that her orgasm is neither an obligation nor a duty to you or anyone else. It’s not about satisfying your ego. At it’s very best, it’s about pleasure and sexual fulfilment – and, of course, the love the two of you share.
What do you think? Have we missed any good tips? We’d love to hear from you in the comment section below.