These days, yoga teachers seldom mention that the discipline began as a sex cult. Hatha yoga – from which sprang the practice that is now popular worldwide – began as a branch of Tantra. In medieval India, Tantra devotees sought to fuse the male and female aspects of the universe into an idyllic state of consciousness.
Steeped as they were in symbolism, the rituals of the Tantric cults could also include group and individual sex. One text tells devotees to venerate the female sex organ and enjoy energetic intercourse.
Candidates for worship included actresses and prostitutes, and – yes – the sisters of some devotees.
Over time, and perhaps not surprisingly, Tantra and Hatha developed rather ignominious reputations. Indian society’s main objection was that later practitioners had dissolved erstwhile spiritual objectives in sexual debauchery.
Early into the 20th century, however, the creators of modern yoga worked to remove the stigma by developing a sanitized discipline. They replaced the old eroticism with a new emphasis on health and fitness, completely turning their backs on the erotic aspects of the old philosophy.
B. K. S. Iyengar, the author of “Light on Yoga,” published in 1965, exemplified this determined change in attitude. His book makes no mention of Hatha’s Tantric roots and celebrated the discipline as a remedy that could cure nearly 100 ailments and diseases.

Restoring the Sexy in Yoga
But over the decades, many have discovered from personal experience that the practice of modern yoga can still fan libidinal flames.
With positions like the downward-facing dog providing obvious opportunities, so-called ‘yogasms’ have become a popular subject of speculation and curiosity.
And why not? While modern yoga might have little to do with its Tantric origins, some poses can be incorporated into your sexual activities in fun, creative ways in the bedroom.
1. The Plow Pose
The yoga plow pose, for one, permits profound penetration during sex. This is easy enough to accomplish if you are familiar with the position. You begin by lying on your back with your legs in the air and your arms palm-down on the bed.
Use your abs to lift your hips and legs towards the sky with your torso perpendicular to the bed. Straighten your legs while lowering them over your face to the end of your comforter.
Your partner can then penetrate you from above in a standing or kneeling position. This move will allow your significant other to go extra deep. Be ready for it. Just remember to be careful of your back. Don’t do anything that hurts.

2. The Three-Legged Dog Pose
Enjoying sex while you’re in the three-legged dog position requires flexibility. Start in a downward dog position and lift one leg towards the ceiling. Have your partner then stand behind you.
From there, anything is possible. You can have your partner perform oral sex on you, or even penetrate you with a penis or a favorite toy. If things get a bit too vigorous, you can use your partner’s shoulder to balance the lifted foot.

3. The Cobra
The cobra yoga position is ideal for penetration from behind. Begin by lying on your stomach and pressing your legs, thighs, and feet to the floor. Keep your legs spread apart further than you normally would in the traditional pose.
Keeping to this position gives your partner room to mount and enter you from behind. Press your hands into the bed and raise your torso up to the ceiling, doing a baby backbend. From here, you can ask your partner to kiss your neck as you lean your head back.

4. The Shavasana
Good sex often demands strenuous physical activity. The Shavasana pose allows you to relax afterward. Start by lying on your back with your legs apart and your arms about 45 degrees from the side of your body.

Close your eyes and take slow deep breaths through the nose.
Do this, relaxing your muscles all the while, until your whole body feels soft and heavy.
Scan your body for any remaining tense or tight spots and slowly release these areas, as well.
Let your physical being move deeper and deeper into a state of total relaxation.
Once you are totally relaxed, quietly relinquish all control of the breath, the mind, and the body.
Stay in Shavasana for about five to 15 minutes. To release yourself from the pose, gradually deepen the breath, wiggle your fingers and toes, reach the arms over your head, and stretch your entire body.
Exhale and bend the knees into the chest and roll over to one side in a fetal position. When you are ready, slowly inhale into a seated position. Trust us, you’ll emerge totally refreshed – and maybe ready for another round.
The Sexual Functions of Yoga
The fact is that the practice of yoga makes your body especially prepared for sex. Science has already begun to illuminate the mechanisms that make this so.
In Russia and India, researchers have measured substantial increases in testosterone levels among yoga practitioners. This particular hormone is associated with sexual arousal in both men and women.
Czech scientists working with electroencephalographs have demonstrated how poses can produce brainwaves akin to those of lovers, as well.
More recently, scientists at the University of British Columbia have documented how fast breathing as taught in many yoga classes can increase blood flow through the genitals.
In fact, scientists have found the increase robust enough to promote sexual arousal not only in healthy individuals but also among those with reduced libidos.
Who knows? With any luck, you might unlock all these sexy scientific facts in the bedroom today.
Feature Photo Credit: Wallhere