Category: Group sex

Strange Sex Practices of the Ancient World

As a subject of discourse and study, ancient sex practices sometimes have a way of making people queasy and uncomfortable. From the early Romans to olden China, sexual customs were different from what we know today. Often, the sober-minded modern reader may even find a few of them shocking, if not downright repulsive. Here are a few.

A Short, Lusty History of the Sex Orgy and Group Sex

For whatever reason, people nowadays tend to think that wild, no-holds-barred sex orgies are a trend of modern times.  But the fact is that people have been doing the slap and tickle in groups for thousands of years. Here’s an abbreviated history of orgies down through the ages.

How to Enjoy an Online Sex Party

For some months now, sex party organizers, porn stars, social media celebrities, and webcam models have been hosting online sex parties of every kind. Here’s how to start your own.

Skin Hunger

Every single man I’d dated since the divorce had done nothing for me. Until I met my new neighbors.

Once in a Blue Moon…

Chris and Steve had both talked about wanting to experience sex with multiple partners. Chris assumed it was all fantasy – until tonight.