Category: Female Empowerement

8 of History’s Most Famous Prostitutes!

There is a reason why people call prostitution the world’s oldest profession. It has been around for thousands of years in one form or another. And throughout, many ladies of the evening have stood out for being more prestigious in their beauty, brains, and abilities.

7 Ways to Make Her Orgasms Even More Intense

You’ve probably made her come hundreds of times by now. But did you know that there are things you can do to make her orgasms even more intense? Here are seven tricks you may want to try next time you two are between the sheets.

The Marquis de Sade, BDSM and the Tomb of Whipping

Napoleon Bonaparte called him an author of “abominable” books and accused him of having a “depraved imagination.” His rabid erotic writing, which eventually landed him in jail, inspired the term “sadism” for sexual cruelty. Here’s a brief account of the life and adventures of the Marquis de Sade

The Vibrator Comes of Age

Could there be a more potent symbol for female sexuality and liberation than the vibrator – which, in some ways, makes the male role in sexual intercourse irrelevant? We trace the historical ascent of the device from medical paraphernalia to cultural icon.

When Women Fake the Big O …

Recent research shows that most women have faked an orgasm at least once. Here’s the low-down on why they do it – and why they shouldn’t.