Category: Entertainment

8 of History’s Most Famous Prostitutes!

There is a reason why people call prostitution the world’s oldest profession. It has been around for thousands of years in one form or another. And throughout, many ladies of the evening have stood out for being more prestigious in their beauty, brains, and abilities.

Strange Sex Practices of the Ancient World

As a subject of discourse and study, ancient sex practices sometimes have a way of making people queasy and uncomfortable. From the early Romans to olden China, sexual customs were different from what we know today. Often, the sober-minded modern reader may even find a few of them shocking, if not downright repulsive. Here are a few.

Sex Ed Videos that Actually Make Sense

Maybe you had a book when you were young. Nowadays, kids have some rather interesting videos. Here’s a look at some of the best sexuality education videos out there right now.